Monday, September 12, 2011

Tribute to Craig Myers

I didn’t know Craig all that well but it seemed he knew me which says a lot about a person. I rode In the ATV group Anyting Goes with him till he traded his Four wheeler for a Jet ski I guess he liked the water more then mud! I don't blame him I do to sometimes too. After he stopped riding with us I would see him time to time at Carrabelle’s and he would always know who I was and ask about our last ride.

The Oil felid is a tough life, a selfless life, a time consuming life, and But a Rewarding life! For those who are driving to the job site or out on a platform know the hardships and rewards that come with this life. The need for money and Love for family goes thought these guys heads every day.

"We work hard and we play hard" Craig Myers RIP