Sunday, September 18, 2011

Airports My Rant.....

It's how you go in to the whole flying experience.  You show up mad you leave even madder, you show up sad trust me it’s not going to cheer you up! I go in with very low expectations so if everything goes to plan it’s all good but not the case most of the time. My trip started with a mother of two struggling to get on this tiny puddle jumper with one kid wowed by the whole flying thing and the two year old crying for bloody murder for the first 30 Minutes.  I was too far in back of the plane to help her but I wish someone would have! NOT one person helped her with her bag, the kids NOTHING! Of Corse they didn’t have a problem talking bad about having a crying kid next to them. People SUCK! Well not you but other people. If you’re reading this more than likely you share my views and feel the same. So we land and deplane, I like the word deplane. DFW for 9:30 flight….. Yea not so much! Try Bad weather with a late flight crew. Fine with me I have more electronics then radio shack I am cool! Not so much for the people that came here mad from the get go there pissed! WTF they need to say the serenity prayer a few times.

 God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference. “

It all makes sense to me now why people do bad things to other people, there going to be this mad because nature decided to direct wind currents that created rain over the airport that our flight crew is coming from. Just think what they do when someone his there car or worse tells them they can’t pay for that flat screen TV with food stamps!